First off I must apologize for having the results out a bit late. I was under the weather yesterday and the wife still dragged me to help her buy a car (Okay I went willingly) and at the end of the day I didn't really have the time or energy to tally up the stat totals etc ... So for those of you who were anxiously awaiting the results ... here they are (See the link for the actual game stats and results):
Brandons Totals: 47.8 % FG, 73 % FT, 7 3pm, 145 Pts, 62 Rebs, 40 Asts, 12 Stls, 5 Blks, 18 TO's.
My Totals: 49.6 % FG, 82.1 % FT, 7 3pm, 146 pts, 53 Rebs, 37 Asts, 12 Stls, 6 Blks, 18 TO's.
The final tally is ... drum roll please ... 4-2-3 in favor of the Chesh Fantasy All-Stars. I must say that in all of my years as a fantasy sports participant I've never witnessed three ties in one matchup before. Towards the end of finishing my stat totals I could tell things were going to be interesting and when I put both teams stats together I must say ... the suspense was riveting. And of course it didn't disappoint as I was victorious. Every single stat counts. Good job Brandon ... it was a solid matchup.

Did you all enjoy the All-Star break? ... I sure did.
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